Die Suche ergab 13 Treffer

von danisthirty
Mo 17. Okt 2016, 21:54
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016
Antworten: 82
Zugriffe: 26255

Re: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016

Hello all. After a 1000km drive from England to Germany and back, KJW finally has his framed Carcassonne landscape! Thanks so much to everyone who was involved with this project that has been running for almost a year. A lot of time and effort from many people went into this, but the end result was ...
von danisthirty
Do 4. Aug 2016, 15:45
Forum: Tauschbörse - Exchange
Thema: Suche: Grafenstarttableau russische Edition
Antworten: 39
Zugriffe: 5987

Re: Suche: Grafenstarttableau russische Edition

Hello all.

Thanks for carrying out this survey BigBoss.

I would mostly be interested in the 2 new Russian promo tiles. But would be happy to get them as a 4 if they only come in complete sets.

von danisthirty
Fr 26. Feb 2016, 14:24
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016
Antworten: 82
Zugriffe: 26255

Re: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016

Sorry for not providing regular enough updates to keep everyone informed as to how this is going. I feel pretty bad about it as I really appreciate that so many people have given up their precious tiles and taken the time to post them to me. I haven't done a very good job of showing this and I'm sor...
von danisthirty
Do 17. Dez 2015, 00:46
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016
Antworten: 82
Zugriffe: 26255

Re: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016

Hello everyone. Thank you very much for the tiles I have received from you so far. Arranging them all has been a fun project for me, and I hope you enjoy seeing what I have so far: http://i684.photobucket.com/albums/vv203/thechards/KJWLandscape_20151216.jpg Please note that this is not the final lan...
von danisthirty
Sa 28. Nov 2015, 00:40
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016
Antworten: 82
Zugriffe: 26255

Re: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016

Hello everyone! Thanks for joining me in this fun project! Here is a photo of the tiles I have received so far arranged into a small landscape. The more tiles I receive, the more exciting the end result could be, and the more pleasing it will be for KJW! http://i684.photobucket.com/albums/vv203/thec...
von danisthirty
Fr 6. Nov 2015, 15:39
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016
Antworten: 82
Zugriffe: 26255

Re: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016

OK, thanks all. And apologies for any confusion. I cannot read German so have to rely on my browser translating for me and it doesn't always do a very good job! Looking forward to hearing from you. :)
von danisthirty
Fr 6. Nov 2015, 08:05
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016
Antworten: 82
Zugriffe: 26255

Re: Präsent für KJW 15J-SdJ Carcassonne in 2016

This is open to all fans of Carcassonne worldwide, so this includes CarcF obviously. If anyone here would like to send a signed tile to be included in this, please do; nobody is excluded. Kettlefish has my address if you wish to know where to send your tile to... If sending your tile "across th...
von danisthirty
Do 26. Feb 2015, 23:59
Forum: Webseiten
Thema: Tschechisches Forum
Antworten: 75
Zugriffe: 20245

Re: Tschechisches Forum

As much as anything else, starting your own community-based projects and coming up with some of your own original ideas may help your forum to grow. I've seen great things happen through various things I've been involved in at CarcC and have made lots of valuable friendships because we've worked tog...
von danisthirty
Do 26. Feb 2015, 21:51
Forum: Webseiten
Thema: Tschechisches Forum
Antworten: 75
Zugriffe: 20245

Re: Tschechisches Forum

It is encouraging to hear that the creator of this new Carcassonne forum is reasonable and fair. I look forward to working with him if this is the case, and collaborating on all manner of exciting Carcassonne projects between us! However, if this is truly the case I would expect for any content that...
von danisthirty
Di 3. Feb 2015, 04:30
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: CarcassonneCentral Forum
Antworten: 362
Zugriffe: 128429

Re: CarcassonneCentral Forum

"This web page is not available

The web page at http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address."
von danisthirty
Mi 8. Okt 2014, 16:37
Forum: Introduction
Thema: danisthirty
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3854

Re: danisthirty

Thanks very much for your kind words maik63de and kettlefish.

That score board looks awesome! Now I won’t have to use the Snakes & Ladders board to keep track of scores (fun as it is)... :)
von danisthirty
Mi 8. Okt 2014, 15:35
Forum: Introduction
Thema: danisthirty
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3854


Hello! This is my introduction... I don't have much of a history with board games in general, but first played Carcassonne in July 2012 when my wife bought it for me as a random birthday present. I'd never even heard of it before then and had no idea what it was when I unwrapped the box! But despite...
von danisthirty
Mi 8. Okt 2014, 14:30
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: CarcassonneCentral Forum
Antworten: 362
Zugriffe: 128429

Re: CarcassonneCentral Forum

Hello. I am missing it already... :(

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