Tschechisches Forum

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Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Mi 8. Okt 2014, 14:28

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von danisthirty »

It is encouraging to hear that the creator of this new Carcassonne forum is reasonable and fair. I look forward to working with him if this is the case, and collaborating on all manner of exciting Carcassonne projects between us!

However, if this is truly the case I would expect for any content that was uploaded without permission from either CarcF or CarcC to be removed from their site. This includes many, many expansions created by users at other forums (CarcF and CarcC) who have not given permission for their work to be redistributed elsewhere, and also our (CarcC's) Complete Annotated Rules. He has already caused much upset on our forums by taking these things from us without permission and encouraging others to do the same, but hopefully this can be fixed by his removing them.

Globaler Moderator
Globaler Moderator
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Registriert: Do 25. Okt 2012, 21:37

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von kettlefish »

Hi Eldenroot,
please contact the admins maik63de or Ratz65 from the German Carcassonne-Forum (short CarcF - that is this forum) and the admins (Scott, danisthirty) from CarcassonneCentral (short CarcC).
This is point 1 - Translation of the rules into Czech:

Ask them if the Czech Carc Forum is allowed to translate the rules of the fan-expansions for example from CarcassonneCentral (admin Scott) or Carcassonne-Forum (maik63de or Ratz65).
The CarcF is allowed to translate the rules from the CarcC fan-expansions, but we CarcF have to use the rule template from CarcC. Important is that everyone can see from where this fan-expansion originally come from and the acknowledges and the author of the fan-expansion.

And we from CarcF have asked all the authors of CarcC for permission to translate their fan-expansions into German - as a kind of fairness, and it is good team work CarcF and CarcC and of course HiG.

Beiträge: 14
Registriert: Fr 20. Feb 2015, 06:47

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Eldenroot »

I see the point for all of your requests but not for custom translations - they are made by our users, they dont use any template from author and they are highly modified in same cases... I understand this for tiles but for rules? Come on guys

Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Mi 8. Okt 2014, 14:28

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von danisthirty »

As much as anything else, starting your own community-based projects and coming up with some of your own original ideas may help your forum to grow. I've seen great things happen through various things I've been involved in at CarcC and have made lots of valuable friendships because we've worked together and been proud of the results.

While all these things from CarcC and CarcF remain available for download on your site you are failing to encourage the creation of new expansions within your community and you are also upsetting the people who were responsible for the work originally.

I am hopeful that you will take down anything you are not entitled to and shouldn't have uploaded in the first place. I'm sure you can understand why this is necessary as you say yourself that any content produced by your forum members must not be downloaded and uploaded on another site. Well guess what? We all feel the same way about our stuff yet you have done it anyway. This is not kind ir cooperative behaviour and this needs to change.

Beiträge: 2438
Registriert: Mi 14. Nov 2012, 22:30

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Fritz_Spinne »

Eldenroot hat geschrieben:I see the point for all of your requests but not for custom translations - they are made by our users, they dont use any template from author and they are highly modified in same cases... I understand this for tiles but for rules? Come on guys
We all can see that you took dozens of expansions from CarcassonneCentral and make it available for download on your website and you encourage other users to do the same to get the uploader-title. Is this fair? Do you want your expansions for download on other websites? Why not? Think about it, please!

And it's not only the tiles: The authors and users of CarcassonneCentral have worked hard for the rules of these expansions and they also made a template to show the rules in an easy to understand and coherent manner. I think you didn't invent new rules for the expansion because you didn't change the names. I don't understand why you think there is no need to name the authors - they are the inventors of the expansions, not the translator, wo of course should be referred to, too. The users downloading these expansion should know who had made them and where they can ask if there are some questions.

I don't think this is a matter of law at first, but a matter of decency. If I want to use something I ask the owner and use it with his permission, you didn't. We will not overlook this because you use ideas and tile graphics of CarcassonneCentral without permission and this is not a fair use.

By the way: The Leadership-Forum is password protected, this is http://www.carcassonneforum.4fan.cz/for ... php?fid=34 . A week ago there other forums only with passwords, too, but now they cannot be seen anymore.

Carcassonne-Gott 05
Carcassonne-Gott 05
Beiträge: 2398
Registriert: Do 16. Mai 2013, 01:02

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Safari »

I really have to agree to what Fritz_Spinne, kettlefish and danisthirty said!

For me the most important thing of all is the following: It is not about stealing templates, tile designs or words. It is about stealing ideas! If you translate the work of someone else into your language and don't declare it as the idea of someone else, it is plagiarism (in other words stealing and publishing another author's thoughts and ideas and the representation of them as one's own original work). Plagiarism is neither nice nor legal.

If students plagiarise, the are kicked out of their university. And also the former German Minister of Defence zu Guttenberg was expelled of the government and the parliament when people found out that he copied the ideas and thoughts of other authors into his dissertation without citing the origin and thus made believe they were his own ideas.

Probably you won't be kicked out of university or expelled from your government. But still: You don't want us to steel your expansions! Why are you steeling ours? And please don't tell me that it would be OK for you if we translated your expansions into German or English.
Liebe Grüße


(O.o )
(> < )
Das ist Häschen. Kopiere Häschen in deine Signatur um ihm zu helfen, die ganze Welt zu bevölkern.

Beiträge: 14
Registriert: Fr 20. Feb 2015, 06:47

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Eldenroot »

Yes - leadership forum is only for admin and mods - there are things which must be solved, discussions about challenge cup, bugs in forum etc. You should read the description ;)

About credits - all things from carcassonnecentral are in pdf - in pdf there are credits, anyway we are adding notes into all expansions. It is not work for one day.

I really disagree with your ideas about translations - I wont delete user translations. I can delete all expansions but not czech translations, it doesnt make any sence if the rule contain name of the expansion and link to the expansion!

Thats all for me now, I am going to holiday with my family.

I really dont like your approach - if you dont like our forum, dont visit it... we are working hard to fix these issues mentioned above but it is only a hobby and I am a working person

Beiträge: 14
Registriert: Fr 20. Feb 2015, 06:47

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Eldenroot »

To solve this problem and establish our cooperation I just disable temporarly all categories (forums) which contain expansions... I need to sort them and totally remake this part of the forum.

So you suggest to add only a thread with link to original thread where users can download it, thanks to author and see discussion, am I right?

Beiträge: 2438
Registriert: Mi 14. Nov 2012, 22:30

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Fritz_Spinne »

Temporarily disabling the download of expansions of non Czech authors would be the best solution. I see you did it now.
Please change your forum logo you took from the German Carcassonne-Forum. Your web adress is ...carcassonneforum ..., why don't you use Carcassonneforum in your name and look for other colours? Or use a hint for your country? There's only a little bit of creativity needed to make your own logo.

Next step could be asking the authors at the forums the expansions came from and encourage the Czech authors to give permission for an exchange of expansion to CarcassonneCentral and/or Carcassonne-Forum if we ask for the Czech expansions.

For translations: We want you to recognise the rights of the authors and the help of the forums by only using the templates of the specific forums and translating the whole rule documents including version history and ackknowledgements. This is important if someone wants to ask something about the expansion. You may add a note of who translated the expansion.

In a partnership we equally would use only your template for translations. (I propose you make a rule document template and all authors use it for their expansions.)

I also propose you to make contact to the Czech distributor Mindok and make an agreement that you can use the graphic for fan-expansions like we did with Hans-im-Glück. You should add an remark to every rule of the Copyright of Carcassonne and that should ever use the fan-expansion commercially.

Beiträge: 14
Registriert: Fr 20. Feb 2015, 06:47

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Eldenroot »

We will be moving to new domain soon. About logo - it is work in progress - I can promise that it will be soon (I am not an author so I have to wait for it).

I have already sent an email to all authors whose made an own expansion only for our forum - it is all up to them, if they agree I will contact you here. Now you can only link to a thread on our forum (after we solved our section with downloads).

About Mindok - it is on my todo list. What about Hans im Gluck? About 60 % of all expansions were never distributed in Czech Republic so we have to buy them from Germany - I ask because of translations.

We had some discussion with our translators about czech translations for english fan expansions - they suggest that we can make a new category forum for czech translations - in every thread there would be a note, link to expansion and a name of author+contact (Carcassonne central). We will contact authors of these expansions.

Globaler Moderator
Globaler Moderator
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Registriert: Do 25. Okt 2012, 21:37

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von kettlefish »

Eldenroot hat geschrieben:We will be moving to new domain soon. About logo - it is work in progress - I can promise that it will be soon (I am not an author so I have to wait for it).
That is nice to "hear". I really interested to see your new logo.
Eldenroot hat geschrieben:About Mindok - it is on my todo list. What about Hans im Gluck? About 60 % of all expansions were never distributed in Czech Republic so we have to buy them from Germany - I ask because of translations.
I think you can first contact HiG. They will give you the "legal note" and the permission.
Regeln & Rechte (legal notice from HiG)
Also you can contact Mindok, perhaps they can put a link to your forum at their homepage - all for promotion for the forum and the game Carcassonne.
Eldenroot hat geschrieben:We had some discussion with our translators about czech translations for english fan expansions - they suggest that we can make a new category forum for czech translations - in every thread there would be a note, link to expansion and a name of author+contact (Carcassonne central). We will contact authors of these expansions.
We have here at CarcF in the Workshop a Rule Workshop. There we talk about the translation and do some correction reading.
Also in the rule workshop is the note from Scott - admin from CarcC:
CarcassonneCentral - Übersetzungen der Fan-Expansionen (CarcassonneCentral - Translation of fan-expansions)

The finished translation of rules land then into the downloads. We have here at CarcF the section: Fan-Erweiterungen aus CarcC - Deutsche Übersetzung der Regeln (fan-expansions from CarcC - German Translation of the rules)

Carcassonne-Gott 03
Carcassonne-Gott 03
Beiträge: 1577
Registriert: So 2. Dez 2012, 16:22

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Charlie-66 »

Ich versteh nur Bahnhof :-\
◖Wer die Flinte ins Korn wirft, sollte aufpassen, dass er kein blindes Huhn damit erschlägt◗

Beiträge: 3542
Registriert: Do 10. Nov 2016, 20:49

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Konrad2605 »

Charlie-66 hat geschrieben:Ich versteh nur Bahnhof :-\
Das ergeht mir genauso.
Ich kann es zwar lesen und soweit verstehen (Zusammenreimen), aber Antworten geht garnicht. :-Q
Hätte man mir damals in der Schule sagen sollen, das ich besser in Englisch aufpassen soll. :-o
Ein Leben ohne Carcassonne ist möglich.
Aber Sinnlos.

Carcassonne-Gott 05
Carcassonne-Gott 05
Beiträge: 2398
Registriert: Do 16. Mai 2013, 01:02

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Safari »

Konrad2605 hat geschrieben:
Charlie-66 hat geschrieben:Ich versteh nur Bahnhof :-\
Das ergeht mir genauso.
Ich kann es zwar lesen und soweit verstehen (Zusammenreimen), aber Antworten geht garnicht. :-Q
Hätte man mir damals in der Schule sagen sollen, das ich besser in Englisch aufpassen soll. :-o
Hat man sicher! XD Aber auch, wenn man noch so gut aufgepasst hat, wenn man es nicht braucht, rostet das Englisch halt ein (oder manchmal verrostet es sogar). :)
Liebe Grüße


(O.o )
(> < )
Das ist Häschen. Kopiere Häschen in deine Signatur um ihm zu helfen, die ganze Welt zu bevölkern.

Beiträge: 14
Registriert: Fr 20. Feb 2015, 06:47

Re: Tschechisches Forum

Beitrag von Eldenroot »

Hi buddies,

new logo is UP. Now we are working on our section with fan expansions :)

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